A lazy cat skipped 1st class of JOUR2086
2020-01-20 HKT 16:45
Reported by Li Sin Yung as self - narration.
A lazy cat with surname Li skipped the first class of JOUR2086, which was held on 16th January, 2020 from 13:30 to 15:30 in CVA517 classroom in HKBU.
The course, JOUR2086 "Multimedia Platform", was started on the 16th. Li, which was still in a happy semester break mood, felt reluctant to go to school.
The course lecturer Miss Robin gave a detail introduction with a few classwork in class. She also gave out take-assignment to students. That was the time when Li discovered that it has missed quite a lot of content.
According to Li, absence from the class did impose a negative impact on catching up the progress of the course. "I cannot believe that there is much content learned in the first class. You know, most of the teachers only posts introduction to the course with a few PowerPoint (PPT) slides. How come there are more than 50 slides in the first PPT? Oh my..."(Sigh)
Li is now working on the take-home assignment. Feeling regretful, Li promised itself that it shall not skip any JOUR2086 classes in the future.